Thursday, February 11, 2010

Brush cleaning tip

Since I have invested so much money into buying mac brushes, I like to use the mac brush cleaner on them. I do this because I feel like the mac brush cleaner is specially formulated for mac brushes and it is a professional makeup line- I'm sure they know what they're doing. However, with as expensive as the mac brush cleaner is and as often as I need to clean my brushes, this becomes quite a costly practice.

I have found a way to save money by using less brush cleaner. I start off washing my powder, foundation and blush brushes. These brushes are the biggest and therefore require the most brush cleaning solution. They also tnx to have the least amount of product on them. I thoroughly clean each of the bigger brushes first on the same towel. Then, I begin cleaning my smaller eye brushes that usually have darker stains from eyeshadow and eyeliner. I just brush them over the same spot on the towel that I used to clean my face brushes. I continue to do this until there is no longer a clean spot on the towel that contains the excess brush cleaner. If possible, I flip the towel over and use the other side (most often, the excess brush cleaner from the face brushes has soaked through to the other side as well).

By using this method of cleaning my eye brushes on the same area as I have blotted the excess brush cleaning solution from my face brushes, I save time and money by conserving my brush cleaner.

I will be making a video very soon to show this process in action- once my brushes are dirty again!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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